We were at Cosmoprof Asia 2012
Cosmoprof Asia is the most prestigious and trendsetting event in the Asian cosmetics industry, and the biggest annual cosmetics fair in the Asia and Pacific area. In 2012 it was held on 14-16 November.
On the area of almost 7,5 ha, nearly 2000 exhibitors from 44 countries from all continents had their exhibitions. They showed their solutions in one of five sectors of that market: perfumes and cosmetics, dietary supplements and other natural healthcare products, offers for beauty and SPA parlours, products for haircare and hairstyling, as well as packagings and other offers for manufacturers.
The fair was attended by over 55 thousands of visitors from more than 120 countries.
We were most impressed not only by abundance of the latest solutions and the newest trends, but also by unmatched organizational efficiency, which we saw every step of the way, not only in the fairgrounds.
A closer look on the work of the Chinese explains the China’s dizzying rate of development. The sight of the long queues in the shops of the most expensive western brands explains why they are so eager to open their boutiques in the Far East. We have been enchanted by the local cookery, delighted by the metropolitan atmosphere and amazed by cosmopolitan crowds in the streets of Hong-Kong.
Byliśmy na Cosmoprof Asia 2012
W dniach 29 -31 maja 2012 gościliśmy na największych branżowych targach Bliskiego Wschodu – Beautyworld, które od lat odbywają się w Dubaju (Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie).
Cosmoprof Asia w Hongkongu to najbardziej prestiżowa, wyznaczająca nowe trendy impreza branży kosmetycznej w Azji, największe doroczne targi kosmetyczne regionu Azji i Pacyfiku. W roku 2012 odbyły się w dniach 14-16 listopada. Na powierzchni prawie 7,5 ha zaprezentowało się prawie 2 tys. wystawców z 44 krajów wszystkich kontynentów, przedstawiając swoje rozwiązania w jednym z pięciu sektorów tego rynku: artykułów perfumeryjnych i kosmetyków, suplementów diety i innych naturalnych produktów zdrowotnych, oferty dla salonów kosmetycznych i spa, produktów do pielęgnacji i stylizacji włosów oraz opakowań i innych ofert dla producentów. Targi odwiedziło przeszło 55 tys. gości z ponad 120 krajów.
Na nas największe wrażenie robiła nie tylko obfitość prezentowanych na Cosmoprof Asia nowatorskich rozwiązań i trendów, ale i niespotykana gdzie indziej sprawność organizacyjna i kompetencja, z jaką spotykaliśmy się na każdym kroku, nie tylko na targach. Obserwowanie z bliska pracy Chińczyków wyjaśnia zawrotnie szybkie tempo rozwoju gospodarczego Chin, a widok kolejek ustawiających się pod sklepami firmowymi najdroższych zachodnich marek, pozwala zrozumieć, dlaczego tak lubią one otwierać swoje butiki na Dalekim Wschodzie. Oczarowała nas tamtejsza kuchnia, zachwyciła atmosfera miasta, zdumiały kosmopolityczne tłumy na hongkońskich ulicach.
ANNA PIKURA in the Middle East
On 29-31th May, 2012, we were visiting the biggest Middle East cosmetics fair – Beautyworld, taking place in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) for many years.
During the 2012 fair, nearly 800 exhibitors from Europe, Asia, both Americas and the Middle East showed their offers in the new halls of the fair complex. Record-breaking number of visitors (over 18,000) from different parts of the world had an opportunity to see the latest and most advanced technologies and modern design as well as to observe cosmetics trends. The Middle East cosmetics market is currently the quickest developing market in the world. The most recent research shows its economic growth is about 12%, while the global growth of the cosmetics market is 5% at the most. This dynamic has not been disturbed even by the worldwide economic crisis. All data coming from that area are an evidence of the huge potential and absorptive power of that market. The contacts established during the fair will be employed to build a worldwide position of the ANNA PIKURA brand.
We are enchanted by the Middle East culture, the competence of our trade partners and the regional dynamic, so we will visit again United Arab Emirates soon.
Invitation of Anna Pikura to The Businesswoman Club Lodge
Anna Pikura – the foundress and president of AP Ltd., creator of the ANNA PIKURA brand – has been invited to join The Businesswoman Club Lodge, where so famous businesswomen and artists sit, including Bożena Batycka, Katarzyna Frank-Niemczycka and Krystyna Kofta. The lodge was created in December 2010 by the Businesswoman Club, consociating over 2,500 businesswomen, who often hold the most important positions in the successful companies. Among the club members are also the biggest Polish manufacturers, academies, financial and insurance companies. The club is an active platform for communication between representatives of various companies. The club’s statute obligates its members to represent high ethical norms, obey the principles of the merchants’ code and act in compliance with the idea of social responsibility of a business.
Women with exceptionally large experience in business are invited to The Businesswoman Club Lodge. The invitation ceremony took place during the Businesswoman Motors gala organised in the International Centre of Biocybernetics in Warsaw by the “Businesswoman & Life” magazine.
Cosmoprof Bolonia, 16-19 April 2010
We were present at the biggest cosmetic event in the world
Almost 2,300 exhibitors from 55 countries of the world in the „exhibition city” on an area of almost 20 ha. If you make a mistake and get off the bus or the taxi not at the right entrance to the fair area, don’t think twice, but take another means of transport right away. The area and the distances are huge.
Although the event took place in the second half of April (16-19 IV), already by January there were no more rooms to book in the Bolognese hotels. It is also wise to make a parking space reservation beforehand. No wonder it is hardly possible to find a free parking spot in the exhibition parking area, even though it can accomodate as many as 9,000 cars – during the four days of the exhibition over 146,000 visitors arrived to see the fair.
From Las Vegas to Hongkong
Since 40 years, all the significant phenomena in the cosmetic world have appeared at Cosmoprof. The heart of the event is the beautiful ancient Italian Bologna. Every year the biggest cosmetic fair in the world takes place in this city. But Cosmoprof has been expanding – similar events under the same renowned name are now held yearly in Las Vegas (United States), Hong Kong and Guangzhou (China), as well as in Istanbul.
Cosmoprof offers not only a presentation of all the prominent cosmetic brands of the world, new brands, and novelties in the field of cosmetology, perfumery, spa, and aesthetic medicine, but also a rich variety of events – seminars, lectures, shows etc. This year the management of the fair invited a number of celebrities as “Visionary Men”, “outstanding protagonists of specific product areas in the beauty world”, whose experience and vision would inspire the exhibitors. Among the invited were such outstanding experts as the famous designer Joël Desgrippes, the author of image and bottles for the most famous perfumery brands; the nose Christine Nagel, the creator of such excellent fragrances as Miss Dior Cherie or Cartier Déllices; Thibault Ponroy, who has been a manager for many top level cosmetic brands of the world, like Helena Rubinstein or Guerlain; and Deborah Lippmann from the United States, the „nail guru”, who during the breaks in her jazz singer career develops creative manicure for Yves Saint Laurent or Balenciaga collections or a look for the famous movie stars.
BIOAKTIV and ANNA PIKURA set off to win world markets
It was the first presentation of our company at Cosmoprof. We introduced the AP BIOAKTIV brand, a unique line based on the collagen, and the ANNA PIKURA brand, luxury botanic preparations.
The interest surpassed our expectations. Visitors not only from Europe, but also from the most demanding markets, like Israel, Arab countries, or even Far East countries, came to see our stand. In the near future we are going to start cooperation with a number of renowned companies in the international cosmetic trade, and the AP BIOAKTIV and ANNA PIKURA brands will be known all around the world.
Warsaw SALON AUTUMN 2008 11 - 12 October
Our company presented their products at the most popular among professional cosmetics industry events: XXIV Fair Cosmetic and Solarium SALON AUTUMN 2008. Fair held on 11-12 October in Warsaw, in the Exhibition Center Expo XXI, ul. Prądzyńskiego 12-14.
On 6 – 7 June, in Łódź, ul. 30 Stefanowskiego, the 14th Fair of Beauty and Healthy Lifestyle “Beauty Fair” took place. Our company presented its products there.
On 29-31 May, in Kraków, Cosmetic Fair “World Trends in SPA & Wellness” took place. Our company actively participated in it.
On 17-18 May, in Kraków, in the Nowohuckie Centrum Kultury im. Jana Pawła II, the 17th International Cosmetic Congress and Cosmetic Fair LNE&spa took place.
The schedule of the Fair included:
– possibility to test the collagen FOR FREE,
– collagen contest with attractive prizes,
– chance to buy the collagen on discount.
Special opening of the Sales Showroom in Gdynia, on April the 4th 2008
On 2008-04-04, a grand opening of sales showroom in Gdynia, ul. Świętojańska 81, took place.
The event was held in Cafe
Vergnano, ul. Świętojańska 82. For many persons it was also an opportunity to express their opinion about the beneficial effects of the collagen.
On 29-30 March 2008, our company took part in the International Cosmetic Fair “Beauty Forum”, held in Torwar, Warsaw.
Cosmetic Fair SALON WROCŁAW 2007-11-24 - 25
On November 10th 2007, our company was a sponsor of a fashion show of a designer Konrad Parol. The show took place in Warsaw, in Nespresso boutique.

Cosmetic fair SALON AUTUMN, Warsaw EXPO XXI 2007-10-13 – 14
On 13-14 October 2007, the our company had another opportunity to present the world-unique preparation at cosmetic fair in Warsaw.
The fair were well-attended (10 thousand visitors), by both cosmetologists and individual customers, interested in the “cosmetic news”.
Pharmaceutical Fair “Prospery Gala”, Warsaw, EXPO XXI 2007-09-04.
On 2007-09-01, AP BOSS had the honour of presenting the Kolagen preparation at the “Gala Prospery” pharmaceutical fair. The fair were visited by about 5 thousand
of pharmacists – owners of the largest pharmaceutical wholesale companies and pharmacies.